Cartrans – a physics-based 2D car platformer game where you transport goodies

Normally in racing games you have a main issue – time limit. To solve it you must drive fast. But in Cartrans you must solve another problem – transport fragile goods which conflict your previous problem! Balancing it out is your main challenge!

App Name: Cartrans

Platform: Android

Price: Free 😀

Download: Here

The main objective of the game is to transport objects to another side of the level. Sounds simple if you ask me. However, you’re pressured by short amount of given time, which forces you to balance between speed and carefulness.

The game features 9 levels with 90 contracts. Contracts are basically objectives which reward you money (which can be used to buy cars/upgrades). For instance, you must transport two boxes in less than 40 seconds for 200 bucks.

The game features 3 types of cars. It’s sad there are only 3 types, but it features lots of upgrades such as acceleration and wheels (which reduce friction).

The reason you need this is because the game features realistic physics, which means that each object has its own mass and it becomes more and more difficult to transport heavy goods so you need to upgrade constantly!

In my opinion the game is pretty fun and sometimes it’s funny to watch how objects bounce against each other and at that moment you get a small heart attack!

Somebody call a doctor!

The only thing I didn’t like is that such a beautiful game has ads during gameplay. I believe it should be placed during the menu as user spends quite a time while choosing contracts or upgrading/purchasing cars.

Music in the game is absolutely fantastic! But during the gameplay, sound effects appear to be louder than the music itself, which is disappointing!

Overall, I rate this game 4/5 for its challenging objectives and cool mechanics!

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